Tuesday, November 17, 2009

: to enjoy oneself without limits, to die

the way it feels against my skin is like this: coarse and keen and patient. my sensory perception arrives at an in-between point, one road leading towards sadism, the other logic, a precision that manifests itself only in this idea of permanence, this kind of longing towards a whole understanding of the self. today, i woke up in a state of jouissance, of absolute pleasure, of indulgence, and with that, an acute sense of pain, of suffering with the last taste of juice still fresh on my taste buds. today, i accept the uncertainties of being with my entire body. today, i revel in the organic state of pleasure, of jouissance.


Kelsi said...

good word. :)

Kathy Miranda said...

i hope so, since its tattooed on my arm <3


Kelsi said...

ah, nice!
i have been tossing around the idea of getting "Ce n'est pas la mer à boire." on the curve of my foot.

On va voir.

Ryan Kobane said...

let's get coffee soon.